The Hope tour was born from the basic idea that many people doing little things can make a big and sustainable change in animal welfare. Change can only occur when all aspects of animal welfare are considered.
The aims of the Hope Tour include

Romania still has many regions that are difficult to reach, such as in the mountains (Carpathians) or remote villages. These places often have little or no access to veterinary care, and the day to day conditions in which people and animals live may be extremely difficult. This makes it all the more important that we provide help for these people, even if they are hard to reach, making our work more challenging.
In these isolated areas, illnesses and injuries have a much greater impact because people depend on their animals for their livelihood.
The Hope Tour goes right where help is really needed. We provide necessary treatments, advice and preventive care for the animals which is, of course free for their owners.

Why is education so important?
Only when people receive information can the life of their animals and their families improve, they can make the choice.
Information and knowledge become passed from generation to generation and so becomes part of village life and this is how change happens.
We therefore organise education days for children, teenagers and adults in Romania to explain about diseases, overpopulation and the lack of medical care and also how to prevent this.

Addressing problems when they occur is important, but this alone is not sufficient in the current situation, Every day new puppies and kittens are born and things do not change because there are simply not enough homes for them.
Diseases cause tremendous suffering and consume enormous amounts of energy and resources
The HOPE TOUR project carries out castrations, preventive vaccination and anti-parasite treatments to reduce suffering from unwanted births and diseases.

There are so many animals needing help all over Romania and by working together much more can be done to provide this care with the limited resources available.
The Hope team works with a range of vets and groups to make sure help gets to where it is needed and provided in the most efficient way. Veterinary clinics, Family Vet and The Center of Hope allow us to utilize their equipment and help with complicated cases so we can perform surgeries in remote places, offer ultrasounds and basic laboratory tests. Offering more to those who need it most.
Collaboration is the key to making things possible that otherwise would be unattainable. Therefore, we do not shy away from asking other people to utilize the different and varying skills that they may have. Asking government officials for a place to put the ambulance, or asking a large animal vet to join small animal vets in helping in remote areas means many more aspects of animal welfare can be covered. From education in tiny villages as well as big cities. Companion animals as well as farm animals, a multilevel approach that is missing in Romanian animal welfare until now. ​​